Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To be read

Wow I have managed to run across 25 new comic book related podcasts since the first of June. Then new Mighty Thorcast is a definite go, recording Wednesday night. It also appears as though Cubbie and I, Bearded Dragon, will be starting up the Invincible Ironcast as well. It may be that my plans for MBA Black & White are shelved for the time being. We'll have to wait and see.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Amazing Spider-Man Classics

Also of note the Green Lantern Spotlight podcast has closed up shop.

So work is proceeding quite nicely on the Thor themed podcast my fiancée and I are doing. I have collected all Thor works that I have and should be recording within the next week or so.

MBA Black & White is about ready as well. I have been working my way through the books I scored at Herocon, good Stuff.

Sorry so short again wanted to get the new opdcasts listed.

Monday, July 12, 2010


The Comic Book Guy

Wildstorm Addiction- formerly of The Comic Addiction family.

I have finished 69-73 of the Walking Dead, I just got 74 so I'll read that in the next couple days but damn he must be building up to something because the story has seriously slowed down from what it was.

I've also read further in my BPRD/Hellboy catch up, all Abe Sapien stories have been consumed including Abyssal Plane. I enjoy Abe but I'm kinda worn out on the 'am I capable' 'can I do it' kinda crap they put Abe through.

The first 13 issues of Usagi Yojimbo as well. Well rounded, entertaining issues. I like the constant adding to the mythos Sakai is doing. Usagi inhabits one of my favorite literature time settings.

I have also been doing research on Wonder Woman and Thor for a couple upcoming projects. One of which has come to a screeching halt but the other should bear some fine fruit this coming week.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

X-Nation formerly known as X Addiction. Now at a new Bat-time and Bat-channel.

Maximum Geek Comic Cast appears to be back from the Fadedlands

Comic Addiciton has now been transformed into X-nation, Image addiction and Wildstorm addiction. RIP Comics Addiction on the road, you will be missed.

I have finally finshed with my December 2008 books. Now I think I'll finally sit down and catch up on Wakling Dead and the BPRD/Hellboy Universe.

I'm thinking my next catchup project, while still trying to get caught up on recent books (January 2009), will be Usagi Yojimbo. I have wanted to read it forever and I'm thinking forever starts this week.