Monday, November 29, 2010

Over the Thanksgiving holiday I caught up on the Green Hornet books, almost caught up on the Locke and Key books and started catching up on the Muppet books.

My thoughts:

Kevin Smith's Green Horent 1-10: Kevin Smith - writer
Phil Hester/Jonathan Lau - art
I have always enjoyed Kevin's writing (especially his movies). The team of Hest and Lau is a pleasure to the eye. The first ten issues is the first arc of the book and I enjoyed muchly. I would recommend giving it a try to all who ask. 4 out of 5 Hornets.

Green Hornet Year One 1-6: Matt Wagner - writer
Aaron Campbell - art
I believe all comic book readers are familiar with the 'year one' concept of story telling. The series is the origin and initial adventures of the original Green Hornet and Kato from the Golden Age. The writing and art combine to make my most enjoyed of the Green Hornet books. 4 out of 5 hornets.

The Green Hornet Strikes 1-4: Brett Matthews - writer
Ariel Padilla - art
This story centers on the Green Hornet in a time a generation or so beyond our own, near future I suppose it would be called. The Reid that is this latest incarnation is the most interesting of the Hornet persons so far. The artwork was solid, not distracting rather adding to the feel of the story. 3.5 out of 5 hornets.

Green Hornet Parallel Lives 1-5: Jai Nitz - writer
Nigel Raynor - art
This series is tied to the upcoming movie. I'm not sure if its a tie in or the adaptation. I really liked the covers on the series. The cover image was juxtaposed over a portion of the image enlarged as the background. The art for the book was good the story was slightly interesting. As a whole I missed the point of this series the most. 2 out of 5 hornets.
Green Hornet Blood Ties 1: Ande Parks - writer
Johnny Desjardins - art
I really enjoyed the artwork here more then any of the other Dynamite Greeh Hornet books. Unfortunately the writing encouraged me to put the book down and not even finish reading it. The story takes place during the tenure of the original duo. Mafia, Yakuza and 30's settings are all a plus I just couldn't see past and find something to get me to finish this book. 1 out of 5 hornets.

Kevin Smith's Kato 1-5: Ande Parks - writer
Ale Garza/Diego Bernard - art
The stories centers on the beginnings of Kevin Smith's Kato and how she is entangled with Green Hornet's foe Black Hornet. The story is solid but not overly new. The villain has been done before so again not new. The story in my mind was entertaining but I can't really say more then that. The art was more enjoyable then the writing but alas it couldn't completely make up for my feelings on the writing. 2 out of 5 hornets for this one.

Kato Origins 1-5: Jai Nitz - writer
Colton Worley - art
The series centers on the origins and early career of the original Kato. This one also has been done before but there are a few new ideas and the personal missionKato undertakes had some interesting points. I was interested in reading how Kato via his father, who trained him, mixed the aspects of Shinobi and Bushido. Honor and obfuscation used to best benefit, most excellent ideas. The art definitely lended itself to the story. 3 out of 5 hornets.

Only recent podcast I have run across.

Randumb Idiocy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I have moved into May of '09 in my monthly books. Direct TV's Center Ice seems to be wrecking havoc on my reading of late.

Recently I acquired the first two volumes of Kingyo Used Bookstore and the first two hardcover editions for mouse Guard.

Good vs Evil